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About Andy


I am an avid adventurer, conservationist, teacher, and outdoor photographer whose photography celebrates the African landscape and its rich wildlife, people, and culture. My photographic safaris allow my travelers to not only enhance their understanding of photography, lighting, and wildlife, but to develop a life-long admiration for Africa ‘s beauty and culture.

Banana Republic recently used my photographs as the cornerstone of their Urban Safari campaign, and my images were seen in all 750 stores around the globe, as well as in their billboards, catalogs and annual report. I was also the winner of the BBC Wildlife Photographer of the Year in the ‘Wild Places’ category in 2008 and a highly commended in the ‘Creative Visions of Nature’ category in 2007.

I launched Gura Gear in 2008, in an attempt to deliver lightweight camera bags to the market. I was looking for a lightweight camera bag to hold all of my photographic gear, and there was nothing desirable on the market that suited my needs. After spending 2 years with many prototypes, the Gura Gear Kiboko bag was born. More products are now available on the Gura Gear web site.





Entries from March 1, 2009 - March 31, 2009


Human and Lion interaction

This guys is NUTS.


Gura Gear Kiboko is out of stock (for the moment)

Wow. What a great opening out of the gate. I launched Gura Gear in early November 2008, and in a short four months I completely sold out of my first production run of the Kiboko camera bag. I did not anticipate this much demand, but it illustrates just how thirsty the market is for a paradigm-shifting type of product. As mentioned earlier, I started thinking about the problem of overweight camera bags back in early 2005, and it took a few years for me to bring the proper product to market. Thank you to everyone who has supported my efforts, and if you purchased a bag I just want to say a huge THANK YOU for your business.

I will have the Kiboko bag back in stock in a few months, and you can always grab your spot in the ordering system so a bag will make it to your doorstep as soon as I get them back in stock.

I often hear questions like 'are you going to make this kind of product' or 'are you coming out with any new products soon', and even though I cannot directly answer the questions with my plans, I will say that I am working hard to solve common problems for traveling photographers. If you think you have an idea, by all means contact me with your thoughts. I may already be working on such an idea, or I may not have heard or thought of it. If you are tired of seeing the same old types of products hit the market, well so am I. Contact me if you want to vent!


Workflow Friday

Jason Moore has a wonderful blog, with postings from many well known photographers. I was recently asked to participate in his Workflow Friday series of posts, and I chose to walk through a typical series of layers one on of my black and white images of a leopard in a tree.

Click on the image below to read the entire entry.


Photo of the Day

Texas Bluebonnets in the Hill Country, outside of Willow City. April 2004

Canon 10D, 16-35mm, .8sec @ f/16, ISO 100

Spring is just about here, and I thought I would pull an image from my archive from 5 years ago. When we used to live in Austin, we would head out every weekend in the springtime, looking for wildflower pockets within a 100 mile radius of our home. 2004 was an exceptional year for wildflowers in Texas, and it is looking like 2009 will be good but only in certain areas. I am looking forward to getting out in the next few weeks to take some photos of the kids in the flowers. If you have never been to Texas in the springtime for wildflowers, you owe it to yourself to come bring your camera for a few days. Make Austin your home base, and make sure to eat some great BBQ (it is beef here in Texas) and take in some excellent live music.


Rhino Rescue on National Geographic Channel

White Rhino, near Mombo Camp, September 2008

Canon 1DsMKIII, 400mm f/4 DO IS, 1/5 sec @ f/29, ISO 50

If you receive the National Geographic Channel on television, you owe it to yourself to watch Dereck and Beverly Joubert's Rhino Rescue. It is a great film that explains the current rhino conservation efforts at Mombo on Chief's Island in the Okavango Delta, Botswana. For more information, click here to read more on the National Geographic website.


Namibia aerial photographs

Here are some images that I finally got around to processing this morning. Let's see, I was last in Namibia in September, which was 6 months ago. Crazy that I really haven't done much processing of my images since then, as Gura Gear has taken a ton of my time as of late. All of the following images were taken from a Cessna Caravan above the Namib desert, Namibia. All images are with the Canon 1DsMkIII body with a 24-105mm f/4 L IS lens. Processed and toned all inside of Lightroom.

I am a huge fan of images with a deep black, as I think this helps create a sense of drama. Maybe it is because Ansel Adams was a great practitoner of the entire tonal range, I don't know, but his work has influenced how I approach black and white landscape photography. I have put together an entire portfolio of black and white sand dunes in Namibia, and may offer these images in a portfolio box that is similar to the other two that I announced a few weeks ago.






My Data Backup Solution

Ok, I get questions all the time about how I manage and backup all of my data on my computer(s), so here is a quick guide to my approach.

First off, I own and use 3 different computers for my business. I have a Mac Pro desktop, a Macbook Pro and a Macbook Air. On my Mac Pro desktop I have 4 hard drives inside: 1x250gb for my OS and applications, and 3x1TB drives for my data and photographs. My Macbook Pro has a 500GB drive inside, and my Macbook Air has the 64GB SSD solid state drive. I use each of these machines for different purposes: the Mac Pro is my daily machine that is at the office, and handles all of my post processing. I use dual displays on the Mac Pro, which are the Apple 30" Cinema Display and a Dell 24" display as my side monitor. The Macbook Pro is what I use between the office and home, and on domestic business trips. And finally the Macbook Air is used for my African safari travels where weight and size can be an issue.

So how do I make sure that all of my data, like spreadsheets, pdf's and Word documents are on all 3 machines? Easy. Super easy. Enter Dropbox. Dropbox is a service where you synchronize a folder and all of its contents between machines. I have their $99 per year for 50GB worth of data plan. Theoretically MobileMe should do this service for me, but it doesn't. Their service is painfully slow and not immediate. Dropbox is super fast. Seriously. They support both Mac and PC, and you can sync data between them. I have a folder called 'dropbox' on all 3 of my machines, and all data that is inside is synced between all machines. If I go on a business trip and have access to the internet any files that I create, modify or delete is immediately synced on their server cloud. The next time I log into one of my other computers all of those changes are reflected within seconds or minutes, depending on how much data was changed. So I am covered for my files that are not part of my photo library, and the backup is offline. If a machine is stolen, I am good to go. If I have a hardware meltdown, I am also good to go. If I accidentally delete a file, I can go onto the web and recover the file(s). Very cool.

But what about all of my images? Here is my approach for my photographic assets.

I have a pair of 4-bay eSATA hard drive enclosures from Macgurus. One of the enclosures is my onsite backup set of drives, and the other is for my offsite drives. I also added an eSATA card to my Mac Pro desktop, and each of the 4 drives in each of the enclosures is an individual volume that gets mounted onto my desktop on my Mac Pro. Here is how I name my drives:

Mac Pro internal

  • A1_Macintosh HD (250GB)
  • A2_PHOTOS1 (1TB)
  • A3_PHOTOS2 (1TB)
  • A4_PHOTOS3 (1TB)

Onsite array

  • B1_Macintosh HD (1TB)
  • B2_PHOTOS1 (1TB)
  • B3_PHOTOS2 (1TB)
  • B4_PHOTOS3 (1TB)

Offsite array

  • C1_Macintosh HD (1TB)
  • C2_PHOTOS1 (1TB)
  • C3_PHOTOS2 (1TB)
  • C4_PHOTOS3 (1TB)

I use the alpha, beta and charlie approach to naming at the beginning of the drive name, and all of the rest of the the text is the same. Easy to understand and easy to manage. All of the drives in the external enclosures are 1TB Seagatte Barracuda 7200 hard drives. On the software end of things I use Chronosync to perform all of the backups for me to the external drives.

The backups are incremental in nature, and once the first backup is performed each subsequent backup only takes a few minutes. My onsite hard drives are removed at the end of each day and are locked up in my large safe that is in the office. The offsite drives are brought offsite to the office every so often, or when my data significantly changes. This always happens after a major photo trip, or every week or two.

My last method of backing up is I have a 'super' offsite 1TB drive that I have at a friend's house in a different state. We both went out and purchased the exact same Western Digital 1TB firewire drive at the same time, and I have his data and he has mine. I only have my most important raw files and Photoshop .psd files on the drive. Every so often we call each other and agree to format each other's drive and refresh the data. Then we cross ship within 24 hours or so, and then we are up to speed again. Since we both have the exact same drive, we aren't concerned with which drive is his or mine. They are physically the same, and only the data is different. Since I live in a location that is prone to hurricanes, this insulates me from a major disaster. My data keeps increasing, though, and I am likely to recommend our buying another 1TB drive to accommodate the data.

In summary, I use different tools for different types of data. I also have multiple backups in different places, just in case of a major catastrophie. My images represent future revenue for me, and I think that I have a decent program in place. Why didn't I choose to do RAID? Because I value speed and simplicity over most everything else. RAID works for some people, but the added overhead isn't something that I need or want. As my data grows, I will need to increase all of my drives from 1TB to 1.5TB or larger drives. Not ideal, because this will require me to purchase something like 11 or 12 drives at the same time.

Please let me know if you have any questions or thoughts on my method of backing up and securing my data. No backup method is perfect for all users, but I have found an approach that works for me.


Photo of the Day

Maasai Woman, Tanzania, February 2007

Hasselblad H3D 39mp, 50-110mm, 1/400 @ f/6.3, ISO 100