What I like: Belkin Mini Surge Protector with USB charger

Ok, so I am a sucker for electrical travel devices which are multifunctional. Here we have a Belkin Mini Surge Protector which has 3 plugs, as well as 2 USB ports for charging such items as mobile phones, iPhones, iPods and anything else that can be charged via USB. I bought one of these items before a safari earlier this year, and I love that I can leave my dedicated USB chargers back at home and just use this single device. Highly recommended. B&H has a good deal on them here.
Reader Comments (5)
I love this thing as well, although I've found that I can't connect both an iPhone and a Blackberry to the USB charging ports at the same time. If I do that, the Blackberry charges fine, but the iPhone starts flashing -- charging, not charging, charging, not charging.
that's weird. Works perfectly fine with my Blackberry and iPod Touch at the same time.
What would be even better is if it had all the international plugs built-in as well. It would be the ultimate for grab and go for traveling abroad.
The device is rated for 500mA per USB port. They're probably running both ports off of a single internal 5v 1000mA switching power supply. So, if your two devices combined draw more than 1000mA, then the internal supply is overloading, the output voltage will drop below 5V and that will cause your charging devices to behave strangely, i.e. charge intermittently.
BTW, I checked the Belkin website and the device specs don't indicate its AC voltage range. Can someone clarify if it does operate from 120VAC to 240VAC? Thanks.
I have one of these and it is rated 125V/15A/1875W so this isn't going to work for travel outside the Americas.