Carry-On & Weight Baggage Limit Chart For 65 World Airlines

Steven Frischling has posted a wonderful baggage limit and size chart for 65 of the world’s leading airlines. This is an excellent tool for planning your travels. A good read, for sure.
I am an avid adventurer, conservationist, teacher, and outdoor photographer whose photography celebrates the African landscape and its rich wildlife, people, and culture. My photographic safaris allow my travelers to not only enhance their understanding of photography, lighting, and wildlife, but to develop a life-long admiration for Africa ‘s beauty and culture.
Banana Republic recently used my photographs as the cornerstone of their Urban Safari campaign, and my images were seen in all 750 stores around the globe, as well as in their billboards, catalogs and annual report. I was also the winner of the BBC Wildlife Photographer of the Year in the ‘Wild Places’ category in 2008 and a highly commended in the ‘Creative Visions of Nature’ category in 2007.
I launched Gura Gear in 2008, in an attempt to deliver lightweight camera bags to the market. I was looking for a lightweight camera bag to hold all of my photographic gear, and there was nothing desirable on the market that suited my needs. After spending 2 years with many prototypes, the Gura Gear Kiboko bag was born. More products are now available on the Gura Gear web site.
Steven Frischling has posted a wonderful baggage limit and size chart for 65 of the world’s leading airlines. This is an excellent tool for planning your travels. A good read, for sure.
Reader Comments (1)
South African Airlines - 18 pound carry on .... right. I don't care how light your bag is, you can't carry 2 bodies, misc. smaller lenses, 500mm, 100-400 and hit THAT target. I knew the limit going to the airport, so advised my son to act like our back packs are feather lite and smile. Actually, I was also carrying Two 200-400 Nikons to Africa for a friend, so I was WAY over weight, but got through this time.