Portfolios for Photographers
There are so many ways to present photographs, and I decided to put together a video here in the studio to show many of the different portfolio options that are on the market today. I see more and more people using the Apple iPad for the showing of photographs, however there is no substitute for a printed image on paper. A properly printed body of work shows more than just the work of a photographer, but it can show the mastery of the craft of printing as well as the vision of a photographer.
I am a stickler for well printed photographs on paper, and it is something that I spend much of my time working on in my studio. I even run printing workshops in my studio, because I enjoy printing my own work as well as looking at others’ work. I am not saying that an iPad cannot work, but rather a printed portfolio has the opportunity actually be the final step in the photographic process.
If you do a web search for portfolios, you will see many different products, however most of them seem to be targeted to a student’s budget. This is totally ok and valid, but the readers of this site may want something nicer and are willing to pay more than $10 or $20.
The idea for the video was to put forth some tangible ideas for your own photo portfolios, and the products in the video range from around $5.50 to around $400. I have items from Moab Paper, Lost Luggage, Portfoliobox.com and Dane Creek Folios. The video isn’t a complete roundup of all of the products on the market, however it is a video that shows what I have actually used myself.
Disclaimer: I do consulting work for Moab Paper, in that I create their ICC profiles for their paper.
External links:
Andy Biggs Portfolio Boxes for sale
Moab Paper Chinle Ice Nine Portfolios 8x8” is $40 and 12x12 is $55 (both include 10 sheets of paper)
Moab Paper Chinle Digital Books 8x8” is $40 and 12x12 is $55 (no paper is included)
Moab Paper Chinle Economy Folio 8.5x11 is $23, 11x17 is $31, 13x19 is $36 and 17x22 is $42.
Moab Paper Chinle Archival Box boxes start at $15 and go up to $58
Dane Creek Folios folio packages start at $5.50
Portfoliobox.com a custom quote is required. I spent around $3300 for fifteen 8.5x11 and fifteen 13x19 boxes.
Lost Luggage I paid around $400 for my brown leather portfolio. Prices vary, depending on product and size.