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About Andy


I am an avid adventurer, conservationist, teacher, and outdoor photographer whose photography celebrates the African landscape and its rich wildlife, people, and culture. My photographic safaris allow my travelers to not only enhance their understanding of photography, lighting, and wildlife, but to develop a life-long admiration for Africa ‘s beauty and culture.

Banana Republic recently used my photographs as the cornerstone of their Urban Safari campaign, and my images were seen in all 750 stores around the globe, as well as in their billboards, catalogs and annual report. I was also the winner of the BBC Wildlife Photographer of the Year in the ‘Wild Places’ category in 2008 and a highly commended in the ‘Creative Visions of Nature’ category in 2007.

I launched Gura Gear in 2008, in an attempt to deliver lightweight camera bags to the market. I was looking for a lightweight camera bag to hold all of my photographic gear, and there was nothing desirable on the market that suited my needs. After spending 2 years with many prototypes, the Gura Gear Kiboko bag was born. More products are now available on the Gura Gear web site.





Entries in Canyonlands (2)


2015 Year in Review

Wow. Another year has passed. Many things changed and many things stayed the same. What stayed the same you ask? Too much travel away from home. I say this every single year, but as a nature photographer and guide there isn’t an easy way to balance income requirements for my family and the travel that’s required to earn it. The only way to travel less is to likely leave the industry that I love so much, but I am not yet ready to make such a move.

Camera Equipment

Just like 2014, 2015 was a year of Phase One medium format equipment, augmented by 35mm camera gear when needed. For example, some trips like my Ultimate Primates safari (where we trek for wild chimpanzees and mountain gorillas) a full frame Canon or Nikon camera and a 70-200mm f/2.8 is all that you need. Nothing else. It’s not that my Phase One gear isn’t appropriate, but rather it isn’t the absolute best tool for the job. Late in 2015 I purchased some Canon 35mm gear from a friend who was selling off his entire system. I picked up a 5Ds camera, 24-70mm f/4, 24mm TSE, 50mm f/1.4, 85mm f/1.8, 70-200mm f/2.8 L IS II and a 200-400mm f/4. All I need is a second Canon camera body to round out the system. I did take the Canon to Botswana with me last month, and I compared the files to the Phase One IQ250 (with Sony’s 50mp sensor) and at lower ISO values the files look amazing. I think the Phase One 50mp files are better, like way better at ISO 1600, 3200 and 6400 (perhaps by 1.5 or 2 stops), but at ISO 800 and lower the 5Ds is a killer camera. I may purchase a second one, instead of going with something like a 1Dx or its forthcoming replacement.

Places I visited

I have to go off of memory here, and for a 46-year old man that starts to get challenging. ;-). Let’s see. I guided 5 African safaris (4 listed on my web site and 1 was private) to Tanzania, Botswana, Uganda and Rwanda, a landscape trip to Scotland in the late winter, Moab in Utah for the best 1-2 combination of national parks in the American West (Canyonlands National Park and Arches National Park), a wildlife and cultural trip to India and also a trip to the southern Oregon coast in the late summer for some relief from the Texas heat.

Of all of the trips the India trip stood out for me. It was my first trip to India, and we had some amazing wildlife sightings with tigers being at the top of the list. I have now added India to my yearly destination list, and my 2016 trip has already been sold out for a number of months. 2017 is already in the works.

My 2016 Schedule

I am busier than I appear, based on my own travel schedule. Why? I act as a safari consultant / agent for safaris and trips that I don’t personally guide. I get phone calls and emails all of the time, asking for assistance with setting up custom safaris for small groups of people who may not have the budget for one of my published trips or maybe my dates don’t work well for them. I also set up trips for other photographers to guide, and these trips have the Andy Biggs Photo Safaris quality stamp all over them. It is the only way for me to satisfy the demand, stay married and see my kids!

If you are considering going to to any of these places or are thinking of joining me in 2016 or beyond, please contact me and let’s have a dialogue about your needs, wants and desires. I have a tendency to set up trips and tell people about them before they end up on my web site, so often many of my trips are a result of my listening to my customers’ wants and then I set something up and tell them about it. The next thing I know I have a trip that’s mostly filled up before I even get a chance to write anything up for this blog or my main web site.

My Favorite Photos and Memories from 2015 (In Captured Order)


Okavango Delta, Botswana


Lion Pair

Okavango Delta, Botswana


Giraffes and Clouds

Lake Ndutu, Tanzania


Lioness On A Kopje

Serengeti National Park, Tanzania


Incoming Storm

Isle of Skye, Scotland


Water’s Edge

Isle of Lewis, Outer Hebredes, Scotland


Beggar Girl and the Taj Mahal

Agra, India


Jumping Tiger

Bandhavgarh, India


Green Bee-Eater

Bandavgarh, India


Coastal Fog and Sea Stacks

Bandon, Oregon


Contemplating Chimpanzee

Kibale Forest, Uganda


Mother and Child Chimpanzees

Kibale Forest, Uganda


Pre-Trek Dryness and Smiles

Volcanoes National Park, Rwanda


Silverback Mountain Gorilla

Volcanoes National Park, Rwanda


Silverback Mountain Gorilla

Volcanoes National Park, Rwanda

Post-Trek Wetness and Smiles

Volcanoes National Park, Rwanda


Silverback Mountain Gorilla

Volcanoes National Park, Rwanda


Imitation Silverback Mountain Gorilla, AKA Francois

Volcanoes National Park, Rwanda


Leopard Cub

Okavango Delta, Botswana



Bull Elephant

Okavango Delta, Botswana


A Hunting Pack of Painted Wolves, AKA Wild Dogs

Okavango Delta, Botswana


Drinking Lioness

Okavango Delta, Botswana


Jumping Lion

Okavango Delta, Botswana


Leopard and Cub

Okavango Delta, Botswana


Arches and Canyonlands Workshop, April 2010

Double Exposure: Moab, Utah, April 28 - May 2, 2010

Workshop Leaders: Andy Biggs and Scott Martin


I will be running my annual Arches and Canyonlands Workshop again next year, and the dates are set for April 28 - May 2. For the workshop I am teaming up with my friend Scott Martin, and it is sure to be yet another fun and exciting workshop.



We wll be basing the workshop out of Moab, Utah, and will include accommodations at my favorite place to stay, The Gonzo Inn. The Gonzo Inn has free wi-fi internet access, which is a great thing for those who hate to pull away from daily life.

This workshop will be packed with both field and classroom instruction. We will be in the field early in the morning and early in the evening to catch the dawn and dusk light with classroom time in between. We will have discussion and assistance while out in the field each day. Advanced techniques will be constantly discussed, demonstrated and put into practice. We will all work closely together, sharing our knowledge and experience. During classroom sessions we will focus on photography workflow from capture to print using Adobe Lightroom. Participants will be encouraged to perfect their workflows and incredible detail will be paid to every aspect of importing files, organizing them, keywording, image development and fine are printmaking. This workshop will be a great chance for photographers to fine tune their workflows while making new work. We will all work closely together, sharing our knowledge and observations. Each day will have a critique of the previous days work.

This workshop is specifically for photographers who want to learn photography techniques all the way from exposure to image processing and printmaking. Light, composition, equipment choices and subject matter are some of the specific things we will discuss. Everyone will have”exposure” with two instructors with complimentary approaches to photography. All participants will be able to work on their own images and will go home with a print of their favorite image from the workshop. We expect that amauters and seasoned digital imaging professionals alike will benefit from the course. Participants should expect to share some of their images for review, as the goal of this workshop is to enjoy the creative process, learn from each other and to grow as image makers.


The price for the workshop is $995. Transportation, lodging and meals are not included. For a workshop with two great instructors and a small number of participants, we hope you’ll find this to be an excellent value. Use the button below to reserve your space for the workshop. $995 will be charged to your card on April 1st, 2010, at which point it is non-refundable. Your card will not be charged until April 2010.

After reserving your space in the workshop, call one of the hotels mentioned below to reserve a room.