Last minute Namibia opening

Are you available to travel to Namibia in a few weeks? I had a last minute cancellation for my Namibia, May 9-19 trip with John Paul Caponigro. I have a number of people on a waiting list, but I am also getting the word out on this blog. If you have ever wanted to visit and photograph one of the most photographically rich landscapes on the planet, Namibia is the place for you. Namibia took my breath away back in 2006 when I visited for the first time. Now Namibia is part of my safari mix every year, with its captivating sand dunes, people and wildlife.
Trip leaders: Andy Biggs and John Paul Caponigro
1 spot available due to late cancellation
Reader Comments (3)
If only the Aussie dollar was still stronger :(
WOW! yes please. What do I need to do next to be on that Namibian safari??
Do let me know if the spot is still available and how I need to make the payment. I would appreciate a quick response so I can get to work re the visa etc.
Punam Kumar