Safari recommendations from a past traveler

Martin Doonan just posted a wonderful blog entry about his own thoughts and advice for how to prepare for an African photographic safari. Martin writes:
"First, get to know your camera. I was surprised that people weren't fully familiar with the functions of their camera. They have expensive gear and don't know how to use it to its best. Out on safari is not the time to learn. Based on what I experienced, these would be my top things to learn (this should all seem a bit basic): RAW shooting, Av & Tv, metering and compensation, depth of field control, servo focus, thumb focus button, ISO setting & auto-ISO, panning & tracking subjects, manual exposure."
This is wonderful advice, and something that he easily summed up in a few sentences.
You can read more on Martin's blog here.
Reader Comments (1)
Andy, good list. I would add that learning how to shoot from a beanbag support in a car wiindow and exposure compensation and methods to minimize glare while shooting into the sun near sunset were big adjustments for me.