Luminous Landscape Video Journal #19

The Luminous Landscape has just released their Video Journal episode #19, and this issue includes an amazing amount of video footage from our Namibia safari from April 2006. There are other great segments, as well, however I was most interested in seeing the video from our Namibia trip.
We visited 4 different locations in Namibia on that trip: Kolmanskop, Namibi Rand, Sossusvlei and Serra Cafema. LLVJ #19 contains more than 46 minutes of footage from that incredible trip. Michael and I waited to do an on-camera discussion about the trip until we were out on safari again, and that didn't happen until last September when we were in Botswana together. Yes, our Botswana safari should eventually be a Video Journal piece, as well.
As a side note, I do have a safari again to Namibia next September 2010. My friend John Paul Caponigro is leading the trip, and there is still some space available. We have no specific plans to return to Namibia beyond next year, so if you are planning your 2010 vacation or holiday schedule, this could be your ticket.
Click here to see a quick preview.
Click here for the LL checkout page to purchase the video (I have no financial interest in this or any of the videos on Lumionous Landscape).
Click here to see my September 2010 Namibia Photographic Safari.

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