San Francisco LUXE Event at Banana Republic
My friend Stan Jirman just sent me 3 DVD discs of raw files from the LUXE event from a week ago in San Francisco. All images copyright Stan Jirman. A very big Thank You goes out to my friends and family that took the time to come out for the evening.
Waiting in line for my john hancock on their free posters
...and more waiting....
Another angle
BR took some of the images and had a very nice framed look to them. They also toned them with a blue tint, which wasn't something I had thought of before
Hey, little kid, want an autograph??!?
Me, chatting away
And time to roll up the poster for transport
You can see Grover Sanschagrin of Photoshelter in the background with his camera, a-la papparazzi
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