I had a wonderful time on board the M/Y Letty in the Galapagos islands, along with 17 other people in my group. I cannot tell you how amazing Galapagos is, with so many different unique species to witness and photograph, as well as the casual setting aboard our private motor yacht. We had absolutely fantastic weather, as well as two of the best naturalists in the business. I will be sifting through my 40GB of images over the next few days, picking out my favorites to share. I have processed a few images on my Macbook, but I need to reprocess them on my Mac Pro desktop to be compliant with my Lightroom workflow that I have adopted.
For those that joined me on this trip, thank you so very much for making my belly ache from so much laughter.

Photographing frigate birds from the top deck

Nazca booby on Genovesa island

Harry on top of lava rocks, Isabella island

Nazca booby, Espaniola island

Wave at the camera, somewhere in the middle of the ocean

M/Y Letty and two pangas, Santiago island