The Luminous Endowment for Photographers

Good friend and photographer Michael Reichmann has announced the Luminous Endowment for Photographers. “The mission of The Luminous Endowment For Photographers is to provide financial grants to photographers world-wide to foster current and anticipated projects. Grants allow photographers to pursue specific photographic goals, such as mounting an exhibition of their work, publishing a monograph or book, or photographing a special subject or location as part of either commencing or completing a body of work. Note though that grants are not available for the purchase of photographic equipment.”
Michael has graciously extended an invitation for me to be one of the jurors for this very worthwhile cause, and some amazing grant proposals have been coming in already. You can read more about the grants by heading over to the Luminous Endowment Grants page.
If you are looking to play a part and would like to know how, Michael has released his 20 Year Retrospective, a 400-page large format book of his own work.
Michael Reichmann’s 20 Year Retrosepctive
Published August 1, 2014, this large format, cloth bound, hard-cover book has 400 pages, containing 380 images. It was designed by Arturo Chapa, one of the world’s top book designers. This book is available in two editions; a signed and numbered limited-edition (500 copies only), contained in a clam-shell style slip-case, and also in an open series hard-covered edition without slip-case. To obtain a copy of his book, a donation to the Luminous Endowment for Photographers is the only way to secure your own copy.
I bought my hard back copy today and cannot wait for it to arrive. Consider paying it forward and purchase your copy today, as there are many photographic projects that need funding.