Photo of the Day - Lion On The Plains

Lion On The Plains
Masai Mara Game Reserve, Kenya. January 2014
There is something so regal, so majestic, so beautiful about a male lion in his prime when his mane is waving in the wind. I have found that the angle at which one photographs big cats as the lie in the grass is extremely important. If the subject is showing too much belly you have to move the vehicle around to eliminate that view, and other angles may show an awkwardness to the way the animal is sitting or lying down. I didn’t have much of a choice with this subject, primarily because the background in this view was the best with the above angle of view. A well-positioned background is that extra step that a photographer needs to think about, as you do not want to have your background (or foreground) compete with the overall purposes of what the photograph is all about.
I did attempt to get a head-on shot of this male, however the sitted position and the background just didn’t work for me.
This is just my $.02 and how I tend to like to frame my photographs. What do you think?